Pressure and Kinetic Energy
Pressure is explained by kinetic theory as arising from the force exerted by molecules or atoms impacting on the walls of a container. Consider a gas of
N molecules, each of mass
m, enclosed in a cuboidal container of volume
L3. When a gas molecule collides with the wall of the container perpendicular to the
x coordinate axis and bounces off in the opposite direction with the same speed (an elastic collision), then the momentum lost by the particle and gained by the wall is:
vx is the
x-component of the initial velocity of the particle.
The particle impacts one specific side wall once every
L is the distance between opposite walls).
The force due to this particle is:
The total force on the wall is
where the bar denotes an average over the
N particles. Since the assumption of molecular chaos imposes
, we can rewrite the force as
This force is exerted on an area
L2. Therefore the pressure of the gas is
L3 is the volume of the box. The fraction
V is the number density of the gas (the mass density
nm is less convenient for theoretical derivations on atomic level). Using
n, we can rewrite the pressure as
This is a first non-trivial result of the kinetic theory because it relates pressure, a macroscopic property, to the average (translational) kinetic energy per molecule
which is a microscopic property.
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